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Who are we?

My Name is Bella and I am proud to welcome you to Wood End Adventures. Prior to opening Wood End Adventures, I managed day nurseries for 13 years and am passionate about early years.


I completed Forest School training in 2016, and love nothing more than exploring the outdoors with children.

Wood End Adventures is in the grounds of my home, which I share with my Husband and our six cats. The site is ¾ Acre and is the perfect space for your child to safely explore and learn.





The ‘forest school’ approach is based on six key principles

“It is run by a trained FS leader”- Forest School qualifications, including Forest School first aid- allow Bella to lead sessions safely.

“We are in nature”- we spend our days in nature. We experience the seasons, and the natural world around us.


“It’s long term”- over a long period of time, we build up key skills including resilience, confidence and team work. We also build up knowledge in all that we do, about our environment.


“It’s learner led”- The children can choose- whatever interests them most is how they can spend their days. There are a wide range of opportunities for the children to learn and explore. We introduce ideas and allow the children to take those ideas wherever they choose.

“We encourage risk taking”- the children are taught and encouraged to explore risk. Can they climb the tree? How do we safely light the fire? With supervision and support, the children can discover their own amazing abilities.

“It’s holistic”- The approach covers all areas of learning. While out in nature, we learn about ourselves and our environment, while exploring social skills, literacy, number, developing physical and practical skills…the learning opportunities are truly endless.

The forest school approach


Our Forest Nursery

We are currently working on renovating the site in preparation for our open days and official launch in early 2024​. You can follow our progress on our Instagram page by clicking the logo:-



Children spend a huge amount of time indoors. Nurseries and schools are predominantly indoors with opportunities for short periods outside. Most children love to be outside. It is where they are happiest. When children are in a space where they feel happy and free- they learn. Without even realising, they are absorbing everything surrounding them. The forest school approach enables children to become confident in their own abilities, to assess their own risk, become resilient when things feel hard, and to celebrate their achievements. All skills that we need for life! I have seen forest nursery sessions have an incredibly positive impact on so many children. It is such a pleasure to be a part of that experience for them.

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Why choose a forest school setting?

Illustrations Vegetables


We welcome you to register your child using the below link

Wood End Adventures

Forest Nursery

© 2024 Wood End Nursery. All Rights Reserved.

Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 92164 20899

Read Our Privacy Policy Here

Phone: 07935 383618

Open Times & Days:

Monday to Thursday 08:00 to 18:00

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